The Indie Writers’ Blogcast || Chapter Five: On Accents and Dialogue with Kellyn Roth

Welcome back to another Chapter of IWB!! If you’ve joined us from Little Blossoms for Jesus, welcome to part 2 of chapter 5 of the Blogcast! If you’re coming here from the blog alerts or your own volition…hop over to Katja’s blog real quick and read part 1!

And now that you are back, here’s the rest of the blogcast!

And that wraps things up for today, friends! I hope you’ve found some nuggets of inspiration to take with you on your writing journey!

Writing Inspiration

Writer Memes

Book Rec!!

It would be a crime to do an interview with Kellyn and not feature one of her lovely books! A Prayer Unanswered shows her compassion for those struggling with mental health, postpartum depression, fertility struggles, miscarriage, suicidal thoughts, etc.

The dialogue is par for the course with this masterpiece and honestly, I think she show their differences very well.

It’s also nice to finally have a book that addresses unhealthy mentalities towards Christians who struggle with their mental health! I don’t talk about this a lot, but I do have anxiety and depression, and my postpartum depression was not just baby blues as someone tried to tell me. Thank God for good doctors, spouses and friends and family who don’t put up with that nonsense!

Anywho, I think this is the perfect read for everyone, especially young couples!

So, how have you been enjoying the Indie Writers’ Blogcast? We would love to hear your thoughts! Did you learn anything new from Mrs. Roth? (don’t forget to check out her website!

Have a blessed day!
Ryana Lynn
Jer. 29:11


  1. Kellyn Roth Avatar

    Thank you again for featuring me! I so appreciate it! 😀


    1. Ryana Lynn Avatar

      Thank You for taking the time to sit down with me for this interview! I appreciate it so much!

      Liked by 1 person

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