30 Days of Star Wars Blogging Challenge || pt. 3/3

And just like that we are at the end of this series! It’s honestly been so nice to just do a challenge series and I hope to do more things like this in the future with other daily challenge things. Some bookish, some seasonal, some fandom! Just a little something to mix things up! But never fear! Book reviews, writing posts and history bits are coming your way very soon!

21. Favorite Empire Strikes Back


All the scenes with Yoda, especially when Luke meets him XD I love how Yoda decided to just ditch the serious Jedi master persona and be completely unhinged XD

22. Favorite Return of the Jedi


The final scene… where they are all celebrating and Luke sees his father, Yoda and Obi-Wan all standing together watching them… it’s just a beautiful moment ❤

23. Something I Wish Was


I wish Disney had never bought Star Wars and that George Lucas had produced the Thrawn Trilogy. Disney has slowly flushed Star Wars down the toilet to try and appeal to everyone but the Star Wars fandom, and that ticks me off.

But story wise, I wish Solo had a sequel to wrap up the story.

24. A Character I Dislike

Boba Fett. Jango Fett. Rey. Kylo Ryn. Basically everyone from the Sequels XD

25. Favorite Expanded Universe


I’ve only read one and it was amazing! Heir to the Empire by Timothy Zahn!

26. Favorite Obi-Wan Kenobi


“Hello there!” “Oh, I’m not brave enough for politics.” “You were my brother, Anakin! I loved you!”

27. Favorite Yoda Quote

“Judge me by my size do you?”

28. Favorite Darth Vader Quote



29. My Favorite Star Wars


So I have two and they are linked. In October of 2020, I came to Maryland to do some wedding prep and house prep with Jacob before our wedding. While visiting with his family we watched two episodes of Mandalorian. I was hooked! Then on our honeymoon in December, most things were closed and we decided to stay in and watch Star Wars and eat Panda Express XD

We binged the first six movies, plus Rogue One, my favorite movie in the Star Wars universe. Then we started the Clone Wars animated series. I was hooked. I wouldn’t change anything about our honeymoon because we discovered our shared love of Star Wars and that was just the beginning of us finding out what fandoms we would both come to enjoy!

30. Why I Love Star Wars

Besides what I mentioned above, I love the world of Star Wars. I love the friendships, the battles, the fight against evil and the incredible depth of plot, character and worldbuilding. It’s an emotional journey. I’ve laughed, cried and wanted to throw my laptop a couple times XD I know Star Wars isn’t everyone’s cup of tea and there are definitely things I skip or just don’t watch at all. But the author in me just cannot get away from this story that has captivated millions. There’s a reason it’s so popular and I’m so glad I’ve gotten to enjoy it ❤

Feel free to share your answers to the prompts in the comments below! And expect some Bookish posts coming soon!

Have a blessed day!
Ryana Lynn
Jer. 29:11


  1. Phoebe Avatar

    Awww, that is such a sweet memory! 🥰 And yes, SW is a good inspiration for us authors!


    1. Ryana Lynn Avatar

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